Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Free expandance and sound healing workshop

Free event ❤️

***expandance and sound healing workshop***

Wednesday December 11th
5:30pm - 7:30pm
Finley Center, Person Senior Wing, 2nd floor room 21
2060 W College Ave, Santa Rosa, CA

Sarah Jenness (Bala Healing Arts) and I are facilitating another expandance and sound healing workshop in conjunction with St. Joseph Health. This is a free workshop for those living with cancer, survivors, and their care givers. We had a truly beautiful and healing workshop last time. Feel free to share this with anyone who would be interested.

To register e-mail Sharon: Sharon.doughty@stjoe.org

For the first hour we will be exploring our connection to our bodies through Rachel's gentle movement and meditation, and for the second hour we will relax in restorative poses while Sarah's singing bowls wash blissful sounds over us.

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