Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Come dance with expandance

expandance WORKSHOP!
I am excited to facilitate the 1st expandance workshop in New York City.

Sunday, November 29, 2009
2:15pm - 4:45pm
Keystone Studios
252 West 30th Street 4B, New York, NY (1 block from Penn Station)
Cost $35

We will move, create and play in an openhearted, supportive and safe space. This workshop is open to all - no prior dance experience is necessary, just an openness to enjoying yourself of a Sunday afternoon :) The expandance technique also teaches professional dancers how to pre-empt injuries by noticing energy blocks & tiredness in the body much sooner.

RSVP is required by e-mailing me at Places are limited, so please RSVP early.

Wear or bring comfortable clothes you can move easily in & water. There is a space to change.

This is a once-off event for now.

In my workshops I merge over 25 years of dance and 8 years of
Transforming Cellular Memory training with some kick ass music.

"Rachel Wynne is a gifted and intuitive teacher and healer. As a writer, I spend a great deal of time in my head and experience occasional bouts of anxiety and depression as a result. Rachel has taught me to move my focus away from my brain and into the rest of my body. Not only has my anxiety and bodily pain subsided, but I'm learning to channel that energy into my work and gaining more confidence as a writer and performer as a result." -
Sarah Rainone, Author.

Photo by Kate Hess

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